The Main Ingredient – Spinach Ziti

Popeye Loves Spinach

OK, here’s the thing, I am writing a cookbook.  Not only am I passionate about event planning, I am passionate about food.  Maybe it’s my Jewish heritage.  Like so many cultures we tend to celebrate with food.  And so, for me, food has become part of my everyday celebration of life.  Preparing healthy meals  is something I can do for those I love.

While eating is a basic necessity of life and we need to do it everyday when you add in the mix of our busy lives and schedules, it can become stressful, even overwhelming.  If you would like to cook healthy EASY meals and need inspiration and maybe more kitchen confidence  you might benefit from my forthcoming cookbook.



There it is, in print, on the internet.  No turning back now (yikes).  Scary, but I am taking a leap of faith WITH  food.

Perhaps you are familiar with that late afternoon feeling – a slight panic when you think – what am I going to make for dinner?  If you work all day or have to cook for a family nightly, or are always being invited to others homes for dinner but never reciprocate because you don’t have cooking confidence; if you are an Overwhelmed Mother (c’mon we’ve all had our moments), or if you are a Confirmed Bachelor – or just feel you didn’t inherit the cooking gene, then this book will be for you.  Maybe, you are just busy, and don’t have a lot of time for complex recipes that may or may not turn out.  In any event, I know you will find solace in these recipes.  So here are the concepts behind my cookbook:
  1. My recipes are simple.
  2. If you forget an ingredient, it won’t ruin the recipe (I have forgotten the beans in my drunken Chili). (Ooops, drank some of the beer while cooking and forgot an ingredient!)
  3. You can add lib – no onion, okay use a scallion, instead.  Substitutes of your choice are perfectly acceptable. Experimenting is encouraged.
  4. They don’t take very long to prepare–usually about 30 – 40 minutes, and that is amidst children running through the kitchen, checking email and talking on the phone.
  5. The recipes will follow the seasonal availability of produce.
  6. The recipes will give you confidence and give you a chance to be creative in the kitchen.
  7. The recipes are healthy.  Really, healthy.  They may even help you to learn to eat in a way that improves your overall health.  Since my (Ex-Confirmed Bachelor) husband married me and started eating my meals, he has had significantly less colds!

And so, I give you the first recipe.  I do hope you enjoy it and please send me your feedback!

Your Event (and Meal) Planner,

Spinach Ziti

This a great any night of the week dish, an impressive potluck entree or an easy dinner party meal.  If you don’t like spinach try chopped brocholi, kale, or zuchinni cut in 1/4″ rounds.

1  16 oz (1lb) box of whole grain or regular penne, ziti or pasta shape of your choice

1  24 oz jar of your preferred pasta sauce (Try Paul Newman’s Marinara, I liked him both on the screen and in the kitchen!)

1  15oz container of ricotta cheese

1  bunch of fresh spinach

1  16 oz bag of shredded mozzarella or Italian blended cheese

1   9 x 13 glass or ceramic baking dish

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Bring a large pot of water to boil.
Add the pasta, stir, and add in a good pinch of salt, about a teaspoon.
Stir again and reduce heat to medium and cook for about 7 minutes and check often until pasta is
al dente, not too soft not too hard.

While pasta is cooking, clean spinach, pick off any stems and place in a large colander in the sink and rinse well.

Pour pasta and cooking water from pot into colander, this will wilt the spinach.
Drain well, then toss to evenly distribute spinach.
Spread a thin layer of pasta sauce on bottom of 9 x 13 glass or ceramic baking dish.

Place about half of the pasta and spinach in baking dish.
Spread the ricotta cheese in an even layer over the pasta and spinach.

Pour the rest of the pasta and spinach over ricotta layer.
Pour the jar of sauce over the top.

Sprinkle the shredded cheese evenly over the top – be sure to cover the corners.

Bake for 25 – 35 minutes or until the cheese on top is light brown.

Serve with a salad if desired.


  1. by Betsy on 23 March 2010  14:22

    Jill, this is too good for such an easy recipe!

  2. by Marge on 23 March 2010  20:29

    Speaking as a long time cook this is a very good recipe.

  3. by Mary Ann on 25 March 2010  11:49

    I am salivating over this recipe!I am off to the market NOW to get the ingredients!
    You solved my dinner woes for the evening!

  4. by Aunt Brenda & Jen on 25 March 2010  15:35

    Jen & I have been making this recipe for a long is delish and easy
    and Jen makes it once a week and we get at least 2 meals from it......................must
    run in the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. by Aunt Brenda & Jen on 25 March 2010  15:37

    Good Luck with the cookbook-----------------you are so very creative......................and
    make it sound like so much fun............................xoAunt Brenda

  6. by Jill on 31 March 2010  09:44

    hey jilly, we made your spinich ziti last nite... was fabulous!!! and so easy! (which is KEY for me... i am culinarily challenged! lol) cant wait for the next recipe! xoxo

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  9. by Kristi on 8 April 2010  08:20

    Couple things, Zack is now 1 year old, wanting to walk, run, fall,et... and I really am not that bad of a cook, but... with that said my husband says, "dinner it is not ready til it is burnt". With that said thought that I would let you know how it "worked". Day 01, go to store, by 1/2 the ingredients... forget other half. Day 02, go to store purchase other 1/3 of the ingredients, begin to try to make recipe, realize that I still have no "favorite sauce", abort and attempt to find something else for dinner. Day 03, Come home with great intent on fixing the dish start to finish. (forgetting that once again I still have no FAVORITE SAUCE. ) Boil Ziti.... Zack needs diaper change, he wiggles, he squirms, I chase .. I forget about the Ziti... Boils dry... burns the pot... no dinner tonight.. :(. Day 04 . Once again came home with the intent on fixing recipe. (remember no FAVORITE SAUCE) Cooked spiral whole wheat pasta, instead.. al dente, as it was going in oven...figured out I still have no stinking SAUCE>>>>instead find some pesto, layer like the recipe, add some additional olive oil, to insure it didn't burn, layered as recipe says.. added roasted red peppers, mushrooms, onions, and fresh garlic.. baked.. VOILA finally, dinner.. only took 4 days...:) can't wait to try the next one keep me in the loop. ha ha. P.S. When using pesto, I put it and my pasta in a ziplock bag and shake.. that way you don't brake the pasta, and it coats evenly. P,S.P.S.... Kenny said this am .. I liked that dish when are we going to have it again..?I really liked it. But I will go to the store time. XO kc

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  30. by Charlotte Linwood on 18 November 2010  07:13

    Thanks for that. We're having a little potluck party next month, kind of for Xmas I guess and I've been trying to find something unique.. found some good ideas at this potluck recipe site. You know, someone should invent a website where you can write what you'll be taking, and it would check no one is bringing the same thing!

  31. by jillwaldman on 24 January 2011  20:22

    They do have that if you use evites on line for your parties. The host can request dishes and guests can check off what they are bringing so everyone can see!

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