Green Bean and Feta Salad

Green Bean and Feta Salad

Next week the elementary school teachers will hold  parent – teacher conferences.  While the teachers are scheduled to be at school Wednesday evening and all the next day and evening, the parents will bring in a variety of dishes so they can stay at school for all their meetings and not have to worry about meals.  Guess who is in charge of coordinating these meals – yes, me.  Several parents have asked for recipe suggestions.  Below is the first of several that I will post this week!  They are easy, fast and fresh!  Enjoy!

Green Bean and Feta Salad

1lb of fresh green beans washed trimmed and lightly steamed, if desired

1 16oz package of grape tomatoes washed and cut in half

2 oz of goat feta cheese, crumbled

3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil

3 Tablespoons of Balsamic Vinegar

¼ cup of chopped walnuts

Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, toss and serve.  Great for potlucks, parties and picnics – oh an parent-teacher conferences.


1 Comment

  1. by Sara G from ski fitness class on 23 October 2011  16:06

    An excellent combination of protein and veggies in a boldly flavored dressing. Delicious and eye pleasing too!

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