Share Peace

It is a lofty idea.  Spreading peace one person at a time.  Connecting, discussing, compromising.  It’s what we need right now at this critical juncture.  One tiny voice, speaks softly, and then two and then four and then there is a song that we can all hear.   A song of peace.  Sing it yourself; carry it forward and give it to someone else.

Dark moments can be defeated with hope and hope can thrive when there is peace.

Wearing the peace bracelet shows solidarity towards something we all want for both ourselves and each other.  We can be selfish and selfless as the same time with peace, it benefits everyone. When we grant it to ourselves it will naturally spread to others.

Peace. Pass it on. ™

To purchase a bracelet and support peace, click SHOP at the top of this page.  50% of profits from the sale of this bracelet will be donated organizations that promote peace and peaceful change.

We are excited to donate to Standing Rock.  A local group from Colorado will be going up in the next few weeks and the money raised will help purchase supplies for those standing in peaceful protest of the Dakota Access pipeline.

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