Author archives: Jill Waldman

  • Share Peace

  • It is a lofty idea.  Spreading peace one person at a time.  Connecting, discussing, compromising.  It’s what we need right now at this critical juncture.  One tiny voice, speaks softly, and then two and then four and then there is a song that we can all hear.   A song of peace.  Sing it yourself [...]
  • Orange Cranberry Sauce

  • Here's a fast and easy recipe for a Thanksgiving turkey's best side kick! Jill’s Cranberry Orange Sauce 1 cup of water 1 cup of sugar 1 – 12 oz package of cranberries ¼ cup of maple syrup 2 TBS of orange zest ½ cup of fresh squeezed orange juice   In a medium saucepan stir [...]
  • Farmers Market: Cornucopia

  • Though the Farmers Market season is beginning to wind down with only a few weeks to go up here in the mountains, I scored a fabulous cornucopia of goodies today from the local Sugar Creek Farm.  It was as crowded as ever and Sugar Creek offered up a one price (very reasonably priced I might add) bow [...]
  • Summer Corn Salad

  • I was honored to be asked by a film maker friend of mine, Jill Murphy-Long,  to contribute a corn recipe for her new documentary on genetically modified corn.  Being that it's August and the corn is high and the zucchini's are plentiful, I put together some bright and fresh ingredients for this easy [...]
  • Provencial Radish Salad

  • If you are looking for a surefire early season crop, French Breakfast Radishes are the way to go.  They come fully mature after only a few weeks!  I picked a few early and they were highly spicy, and perhaps you like them that way.  However waiting an additional few weeks to harvest took the bite aw [...]
  • So Long Soy

  • It's sad.  I know many of you don't want to let it go.  It's like a relationship you thought was "the one" but aside from the mounting evidence that soy, specifically processed soy, that is found in soy milk, soy cheese and other soy amalgamations, is really NOT that good for you, there is a much bi [...]
  • Why Did the Chicken Cross The Road

  • After another semi-sleepless night, where I tossed and turned, at dawn, it dawned on me.  The true meaning behind the answer to the age old question, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" A chicken is on one side of a road and it crosses only to get to the other side.  But why?  Why does this eve [...]
  • Summer Bean Salad

  • 1 lb of green beans, washed, ends trimmed and cut into 2 " pieces 2 tablespoons of fresh mint 2 tablespoons of butter 1/3 cup chopped walnuts pinch of salt - about 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground pepper - about 1/4 teaspoon   Set a large saute pan over medium low heat and add [...]
  • From Russia With Love

  • For some people, it's the Superbowl, for others it's the Stanley Cup Playoffs, for me, it's the Olympics.  As a kid, back in the last millennium, I remember watching with avid fascination ABC's Wide World of Sports.  And when it was time for Olympic coverage my entire family was glued to the set (ba [...]