Category archives: Salads

  • Summer Corn Salad

  • I was honored to be asked by a film maker friend of mine, Jill Murphy-Long,  to contribute a corn recipe for her new documentary on genetically modified corn.  Being that it's August and the corn is high and the zucchini's are plentiful, I put together some bright and fresh ingredients for this easy [...]
  • Provencial Radish Salad

  • If you are looking for a surefire early season crop, French Breakfast Radishes are the way to go.  They come fully mature after only a few weeks!  I picked a few early and they were highly spicy, and perhaps you like them that way.  However waiting an additional few weeks to harvest took the bite aw [...]
  • Summer Bean Salad

  • 1 lb of green beans, washed, ends trimmed and cut into 2 " pieces 2 tablespoons of fresh mint 2 tablespoons of butter 1/3 cup chopped walnuts pinch of salt - about 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground pepper - about 1/4 teaspoon   Set a large saute pan over medium low heat and add [...]