Category archives: Uncategorized

  • Provencial Radish Salad

  • If you are looking for a surefire early season crop, French Breakfast Radishes are the way to go.  They come fully mature after only a few weeks!  I picked a few early and they were highly spicy, and perhaps you like them that way.  However waiting an additional few weeks to harvest took the bite aw [...]
  • Summer Bean Salad

  • 1 lb of green beans, washed, ends trimmed and cut into 2 " pieces 2 tablespoons of fresh mint 2 tablespoons of butter 1/3 cup chopped walnuts pinch of salt - about 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground pepper - about 1/4 teaspoon   Set a large saute pan over medium low heat and add [...]
  • From Russia With Love

  • For some people, it's the Superbowl, for others it's the Stanley Cup Playoffs, for me, it's the Olympics.  As a kid, back in the last millennium, I remember watching with avid fascination ABC's Wide World of Sports.  And when it was time for Olympic coverage my entire family was glued to the set (ba [...]
  • Let Them Eat Cake... Or Not!

  • Ahhh the wedding cake!  Much revered and much eaten over many centuries, the wedding cake has evolved from a mince meat pie in the seventeen hundreds to a multi-tiered extravaganza enjoyed exclusively by royalty. Today, brides and grooms everywhere have become royalty on their wedding day and many a [...]
  • Cheer with Beer!

  • Cheer your wedding with beer!  With all the microbrews, home brews and amazing brewed infusions out there, why not have beer take center stage at your wedding bar instead of wine?  For Jake and Zalika's wedding last summer here in Steamboat, we designed beer pairings to accompany each course with cu [...]
  • Jill's Jog Blog 1 - Only the Beginning

  • I used to live in New York City.  As if you didn't know, I AM A NEW YORKER!  No matter that I currently reside in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, also known as H.  That's the middle of nowhere.  Anyway, every year just after standing along the marathon route in Central Park the first weekend of Novembe [...]
  • Great Advice on Men from Oprah

  • HEAR WHAT OPRAH WINFREY HAD TO SAY ABOUT MEN : If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself for a [...]