Tags archives: jillwaldmanlifestyle

  • Sweet & Spicy Corn Cobbler

  • Here's a little something I whipped up last week.  I wanted to make a corn based recipe but I didn't want a chowder or typical corn bread.  I already have a corn salad on my blog, so I decided it was time to experiment with my cobbler batter.  Cobblers are sooooooo easy and always a c [...]
  • A Tale of Two Turkeys

  • With Thanksgiving, (my all time favorite holiday), just around the corner, it's time to pull out my turkey recipes and decide which to use this year.  Over the years, most turkey chefs have experimented with various ways to make the all important turkey, a meal that must impress, in the pressure fil [...]
Three Days in Paris
  • Three Days in Paris

  • When you are flying across the pond it only makes sense to get as much out of your trip as you can without going overboard.  My plan for our family of four was to visit London, Paris and Brussels, each for four days.  It would be easy since the EuroStar train makes a nice triangle between the three [...]
  • Time to get packing!

  • With the holidays almost upon us, it's time to get packing for your trip out of town. Over the years and miles I have traveled with everything from a just a small backpack to several suitcases with strollers, car seats and portable cribs in tow. Now that my kids are older, it's so much easier to tra [...]